Sunday, June 24, 2012

When will i get my happy ending?

New year, new Obstacles, new problem but the faced by the same old people. 
Why am i such a victim of all this?
have i done bad to people that i deserve all of this?
I have a painful yet quite a happy chilhood left behind me
well i call em interesting.
well i guess if u dont know me, u could've never guessed what happened.
Think of the saddest thing, and thats my story
but at the same time i learned that life goes on. 
and sometimes, if u just try to forget and choose to be happier, u might just be happier.

But i just wonder
How can,
someone gets so unlucky?
Somebody who she thinks is a hero lets her down again and again.
that person who she thought her hero did not just destroy some happy moments she had pictured..
he also, hurt someone she loved the most AGAIN and AGAIN. 
just like how he let her down everytime.
He lied to her, he threatens her.
she's so hurt, how could she feels so unsafe from her own hero.
but as she grows older she gets immuned and she learned how to forgive him.
well that part is almost settled.
but whatever it is, he was once her hero. 
somebody whom she spends her chilhood days with.

and then, she and her loved one felt good for awhile until another man came. 
She knows he's not such a Hero from the begining.
but why not? That'll keep her loved one happy
'just let it be' she thought
'this is nothing about me' she thought.
in the end they both suffered again.
both felt cheated AGAIN, both felt abandoned AGAIN both felt like trash AGAIN
both felt frustrated and hurt AGAIN.
but this time its double the pain, because for once they thought this is their happy ending,
they really believed it.

and then her loved one has to suffer AGAIN
and now, its in a nature form.
silent killer.
they call it Cancer
I call it pain.

Oh, did i mention her heart is also brokened by a boy whom she stupidly thought she fell in love with?
oh and did i mention she was 'used' by her friend?
Oh and i also forgot to mention, for a year, she had to suffer hell 
to become her teacher favorite punching bag. to be looked down, 
to be told u are never going to be good enough>
oh and did i mention her whole life she keeps her emotion unseen?
because she doesn't want to upset her loved one.
oh its not over yet,
did i mention that she never felt good of how she looks? she's been trying  to change everything about her physical form since when she was mentally bullied when she was 7? 

But somehow, she is still standing. somehow she managed to stay up there smiling and having fun
she herself doesnt know how she does it and survived all this while.
out of all, she somehow still considers herself lucky
at least she never had to starve for a day of her live
at least she gets education
at least she got a shot to get out of this mess
at least she has got quite ALOT of happy moments in her life.
i guess thats enough for her huh?
I hope so.
but till now, she'll just keep on waiting
and waiting for her happy ending. 
telling herself try not to screw things up everytime. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

its been a while huh? kinda miss this blogging feel :)

Hye. oh its so awkward now. its been awhile hehehe my last post is about my ex and its so stupid ive deleted it haha :p
so much had happened in this 6 months! :D
1st, ive been in a seriously stupid Love Game.
was in relationship with this guy out of pity then fall in love with another guy
then blablabla yada yada yada hek :p
if i could get the chance to say sorry to him for ever treating him like shit and actually fell for another guy when we're still in a relay :/ i would done it but he completely cut me off from his life now. well he was being a coward, not wanting to solve it in a serious way. 
he chose to run away from the problem. I cant really do anything, can I? but Ive never loved him and i cant. i know this coz ive tried. Im sorry. i feel guilty till today :/
put that aside, this year, my friends and classmates celebrated my birthday in school, during english lessons *aka our fav lesson* teacher told me to go out send the book then when i came back i smell sometin fishy and BAM! people singing the Birthday song and the BEUATIFUL GORGEOUS birthday cake suddenly came out out of no where. im so touched :') and then they bmade me a bday card <3 and and bought me a NIKE bottle. awww thankyouuu for the cake, teh card , the bottle and most of all Thankyou for remembering it <3

and then moving onn,
i had issues with one of my friend who is now changing and being a total bitch. well prefer not to continue bout it. ill just keep it to myself..


i had soooo much fun and ive learned alot :) best times of my life. ill miss em all. they are the only people who can call me kiddy and get away with it :p
Moments captured :')

hair was awful but WHATEVUHH :p

 < Kevin took it ahahahaha

p/s: these are EXCLUSIVES pictures. its all privatened on fb but oh wells this is MY blog :p

and ofcourse, those who are close with me will still stay close even after camp <3

and ofcourse, not to forget friends who will always be there. 

 *i know my hair looks terrible. syyy i still like it ;p

^one of my fav photo. EVER :) 

heeeeee shall end my post with another set of exclusives picture of me looking stupid. HAHA WTHELL

       ^(idk who's baby is that)
HAHAHAHAA :p okay im loosing it now XD

okay enough for now lets end it with that one. ahahah more exclusives pic coming soon LOL
whythehell am i doing this?
it feels like fun XD
toodles :) XoXo :* 

Monday, February 6, 2012


Rantai ,bracelet, cincin dan earrings adalah cara terbaik utk kita lengkapkan outfit of the day kita :D
ira suka sangat tapi collection ira x banyak sangat and so, i wish to banyakkan hihi ^_^

and ira rajinnnnnnnnnn sangat tengok aksesori kat internet ni and ada banyak yg ira suka. 
di antaranya adalah yg bawah niiii

oh so pwetty :3


yerr kalaulah aku ni anak org kaya *berangan* XD 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Maulidur Rasul

Salam Maulidur rasul everyone.

Jom kita berselawat sama2 ke atas Rasul Junjungan kita ...

AllahHuma Soli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa ala Ali Saidina Muhammad 

AllahHuma Soli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa ala Saidina Ali Muhammad 

AllahHuma Soli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa ala Ali Saidina Muhammad 

ok dah? senang kan :) kalau boleh buat lebih dari 3 kali lagi bagus ^_^ ok bye :) 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lukisan kapur 3d jalanan (3d street chalk art)

3d street chalk art ni adalah seni melukis guna kapur atas jalanraya, dinding atau apa2 permukaan lah. kalau kita cakap pasal lukisan mesti lukis atas sesuatu kan? tapi street chalk artist ni memang dasyat sampai boleh buat jadi 3D. x caya?? tengok sendiri lah deiiii

apa lah perasaan org yg 1st time lalu kat sini kan??


hebat kan? nampak real giler. 
ira lukis gambar upin ipin pun x lepas ni plak lukis ni! GILA!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Baby ♥ (also update pasal AJL )

February ♥
bulan feveret ku. kenapa?
special lah sbb 13 tahun dulu dalam bulan nilah aku 1st time lihat dunia 
*mcm masa tu ingat je apa yg nampak en*

mulai bulan ni saya janji akan cuba sedaya upaya utk post benda2 elok kat blog ni supaya ada org
sudi dengar cite2 aku :)


okay skarang nak cite pasal AJL. WAHH SERONOKNYA HAFIZ MENANG
*kenapa aku yang over?*
ada yang mempertikaikan kemenangan Hafiz, M. Nasir dan Budi.
biasalah manusia...
tapi bagi aku, lagu Awan Nano ni cukup sifat lah.x caye? cer renungkan..

Lirik yang sangat bermakna. yelah slalu lagu mesti pasal makwe pakwe je tapi lagu ni semua pun boleh
yelah, lagu tu pasal sesorang yang menyayangi kita seadanya. dia melindungi kita
sebab dia sayang kita. jadi lagu tu boleh nyanyi kat ibu, ayah, kawan, siapa2 je yang kita sayangi.

2. Melodi
cantik sangat alunan dia. bunyi piano yang menenangkan. rasa MANIS je 
*haha ade ke lagu rasa tawar* catchy pulak tu!

3. Vokal
Vokal dia TIP TOP lah. memang Hafiz lah pun org yg sesuai bwak lagu ni.
Suara dia lapang. faham x intepretasi aku ni? HHAHAHA pelik2 je :p
lepas tu kalau kita tengok performance dia emosi yang dia bagi tu cukup mengharukan.
dia nampak jujur bila nyanyi.

4. MV
dah tengok MV dia? kalau belum, pergi tengok. tengok yg HQ dan HD ye utk lebih efektif :p
seriously. video dia x oayah nak pakai hensem2 pun boleh buat org x jemu nak tengok. 
kalau kamu pernah ada luka lama dengan org yang kamu sayang mesti terasa sayu je tengok.
aku sendiri nangis masa 1st time tengok video tu. SERIOUSSSSSSS!!
so itulah sifat2 utk lagu yg baik dan bagi awan nano lengkap sifatnya dan itulah yang layak. 
YAY MY FEVERET SONG *tiba2 lagi*

hahah oklah and tahun ni keputusan AJL semua bagus :D 
x macam tahun lepas. OOOPPS :p

ok bye. Assalamualaikum :)
do leave some comments yea