Friday, October 28, 2011

1 liter of tears

that drama, is worth  millions of  people's view...
Its not those normal IHateyou-Youloveme-Iloveyounow-weloveeachother-thenWeBrokeUp-thenWeGetTogther-HappilyEVerAfter- kind of drama. This just a really intense and  realistic drama. and you will just be wondering how can a young girl be so strong. btw, IT IS BASED ON A TRUE STORY, which makes it even more legit.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

life's like a roller coaster.

this morning im so pissed,
by my mum when shes pissed at me for not studying.
like seriously? IBU DAH LAH TU. GIVE ME A BREAK. stop it for the moment.
its sooooo RIDICULOUS.

evening at 3, im just so happy :) coz i hangout with sarah at McD

location: cd's toilet XD

then, we hit the park, rockin it out like jyeahhhh!

SARAH IS A SUPERMANNNNN. she is my companion from i was so young till now.
kalau nak hangout, kalau nak text, mesti ingat nama ALA dulu :)

well atas faktor2 darjah ketersampaian yang tinggi (well were like considered neighbours) and hubungan rapat dari kecil, kitorang ni dah sekepala :D 

aku selalu berharap kepada-NYA agar aku akan kawan dngan dia sampaiiiii dah beso nanti. 
sebab, aku ni jenis susah nk percaya orang, tapi aku percaya ngan budak tu :) 

and to Farah, kenapa x answer call aku :( kate nk pegi PARADE :(

and now? my mood is feeling like watching some movies.. :D

INS <3

Monday, October 24, 2011

to do list on blog

okay so sometimes im bored of ranting about my fucked lil cute hectic life.. so ive set a to-blog-list. :)

One step at a time. so imma start with the 1st one. 

5 things to win my heart?

#5-help me with my insecurities. im very insecure . sometimes i got driven away with my negative thoughts of me that it affects my thinking about the world too. so i need someoe to wake me up and tell me that no matter im fat, im ugly, im stupid, im lame, or im unattractive, it doesnt matter coz whats inside is the most important thing and they accepts me fo who i am. (yea rite, u can count with one hand the number of guys that pick girlfriend base on her inside *heart*) 

#4-laugh to my jokes. thats the way to get along with me. especially if u consider urself as my buddy, coz, hunneh my buddy all laughs to my silly thoughts and jokes. 

#3- being protective (if u wanna win my heart to be lovers LOL) if a guy being all protective over me, ill appreciate it VERY MUCH. BUT ive had an experience where we barely even know each other well enough but he already starts to control me like hes my Bf... that is like so wrong. u have to at least know somebody to at least confess ur love and tell em how much u care -.- thast just not cool

#2- talking/chatting - talk to me personally and asks me about my fav stuffs or anything and ill go on and on (u see, by making me talk a lot is the only way to make me feel comfortable around you) coz i dont talk much if im not comfortable with someone. but, if u always talk to me, ill start to open up my life stories that you might not see it coming. and you, sharing bout ur personal stuffs is also VERY attractive :) and if u tell me bout little things that u noticed bout me (eg: my eye colour) u should tell me coz to me, that shows that u actually care enough to look at me PROPERLY :)

#1- this and #2 has some relation. coz, when u hear musics i like, i got a topic to talk about and yepping all day long XD and when i starts singing to u NICELY, thats when i am starting to be comfortable around you. and for a guy that sings to his girl? i think that it is SUPER attractive to do that. <3

Friday, October 21, 2011






i have so many things that ive planned to do after the exam but now, idk whattodo??

and the fact i might drop class

BUTTT despite all of that, 

but what to do wor?
hhehe actually ive planned a FEW.

-i will go shop shop with SARAARARAA  to buy her skirt and as the malay sayings, SAMBIL MENYELAM MINUM AIR
-outing to JJ with besties
-out to JJ with weng and yash and..??(thou i didnt plan with em yet, i just need to hang with them laa)
-Swimming with farah :)
-bike riding (exercising) with rarararara SARARARA (lol its fun to play around with her name)
-go to my mums radiotherapy session in KUALALALA LUMPUR :D 
(i hope we overnight at the richer cousins house so that i can  go around KL with em) and ofcourse to accompany her ^^ 

till then, 
love, INS <3

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear, Ibu

keep holding on Mum, coz i know u'll make it through. just dont give up coz u know we'll make it through.
and somehow, i am VERY confident you will be alright . 
Yes mum, i can feel it too, coz when i try to see my future, i see you in it so u are probably right. u will live on to see me grow up.
I think u will be witnessing my days in university or a college,
become and adult,
get married 
coz i know you are a pretty Damn Strong :)
Im just very Confident.


actually we are considered luckier than many others.

Ins <3

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Only God Can Save me now.

Hye. exam its like in the next minute and i cant strain myself from onlining. But im going after i update this. or maybe an hour later .  i still have like a thousand chapters to go through! im failing already. ONLY GOD CAN SAVE ME NOW. Im worried and a FRIEND of mine, is acting up all weird and cold to me. sick of me eh?

to you my FRIEND,
i want to say that all this while if i ever critisize about ur lifestyle as in ur Boyfriend. im Sorry but i just speak my mind out and i care for you. I REALLY DO. nothing more than that. we're really good friend so i figure out its ok for me to share anything that i felt at the moment. coz if were BFF we should have no secrets. But, i think i was wrong. I dont know, my idea of having a bestfriend is someone that knows u well enough that they dont take ur criticism as a negative thing but be garteful coz shes there in every steps u make, u can take the criticism or leave it if u think shes wrong but NOT feel annoyed or what. and BFF should LISTEN to every stupid stories her firend have or at least try, but NOW, u arent listening. It Hurts me to see u changed so much. I see you treating somebody u just known for months nicer than me. I am trying hard to fix this but imma give up real soon, coz its hurting me. 
you are happier with em than me as ur companion and i care about you, so imma let this go.... plus you are always so cold around me whats the use of that? so i guess im just gonna let this go...

sekarang, aku dah translate emosi aku dalam kata2 aku sedar, yang aku rasa sakit lebih daripada apa yang aku fikirkan . sakit kepala boleh makan ubat, sakit hati? Tuhan je lah yang boleh tolong aku skarang ni.

Tuhan jee...